Revive your life

It is easy to get stuck in a routine. To find yourself racing through your week but realising that something is off.

A high percentage of what you are doing you don’t enjoy or you have ended up doing as you haven’t had time to even think about it.

The habits that no longer serve you have crept back in and you feel like you are either walking on the spot in terms of progression or that you have actually gone backwards.

This happens.

Here’s a simple way to revamp your life or work or one area in particular and get yourself back on track.

List out each area.

Below is a general list however you can tailor this to areas that are more in tune with you.



Personal time 

Family life




Personal growth

You can also have your list specifically around one area, for example Finances


Financial management





Ask the right questions.

Next what we want to do is create a space for you to ask yourself a few simple questions that will help you review how those area are going for you.

Here’s my top two questions that tend to hit the mark. 

what do I want to do more of

What do I want to do less of or stop?

Sound simple? They are. This exercise is about simply re aligning to what you truly want to be doing.

Let’s explore the original list bringing these in, remember you are looking at where you are spending your time currently in that area.

Underneath each area, list the things that you would like to do more of and the things that you are doing currently that you want to do less of.



what do I want to do more of

-       Working out during the week

-       Eating better food

What do I want to do less of or stop?

-       Sitting down so much

-       Over thinking

Work your way through all of the areas until you have a list in front of you that feels good to read and that if you did those things that you would feel revived and either back on track or moving forwards.

Now that list alone is great but we now need to bring these towards action.

What needs to happen to bring these to life?

Again, looking at the original questions, now add in the following:

what do I want to do more of

how do I make that happen / what action do I take?


What do I want to do less of or stop?

What do i need to do to make that happen / what action need to take?

Heading back to our original list to show what these should now look like.



what do I want to do more of

-       Working out during the week

Block time in my diary to make sure I am going to the gym

-       Eating better food

Make ready to grab snacks or if short on time buy ready to eat healthy snacks! Make a note on shopping list 

What do I want to do less of or stop?

-       Sitting down so much

Buy stand up desk or find somewhere else to work from in the office or house where I am standing

Make note in diary to get up and walk around periodically

-       Over thinking

Look at why I am overthinking

Ensure have more wind down time

Look up and add in to routines meditation exercises

Getting it done.

So with the above all written down the next and probably most important part is ticking off the list. Bringing in the above as habits to the new focus for your time that is in tune with what you want to do more or less off.

Sticking to this and maintaining will leave you revived and refreshed and back on track to where you want to be.

The great thing is you can do this exercise again in a few months or bi yearly as a way to keep yourself moving forwards.

So what are you waiting for?

How can I help?

To be a successful entrepreneur you not only need a high proportion of the right attributes, but also a great entrepreneur coach to help you reach peak performance

Check out the Entrepreneur Coaching Package HERE

Got a question about this area and how my coaching can help? Book a discovery call HERE

About Sian Winfield

Sian has spent the last two and a half decades working with those that have made the choice to take action. From the fitness industry as a fitness professional to NLP coach and trainer working with Traders to attain peak performance in London City. Moving on to start her own company 7 years ago within which she has had the fortune of being involved with the successful growth and scaling of over 200 start-ups.

Empowering hundreds of entrepreneurs internationally coaching individually and through group programmes most recently including programmes such as Foundervine & Barclays Black Founder Accelerator Programme and mentoring for The Peter Jones Foundation.

Her experience has provided her with a huge wealth of experience in how others have attained their success and she is hungry to share her learning with as many people as possible.

Connecting with Sian

If you are interested in finding more about Sian and her coaching visit her website HERE

Connect on Linkedin and follow HERE



Get over procrastination


Prioritising well